pátek 27. ledna 2017

Agrostis capillaris

It is native to Eurasia and has been widely introduced in many parts of the world. Its delicate flower and seed heads are loose and open. It is a relatively late flowering grass, coming out out between June and mid August. Most populations of these species occur on soils that are low in metal concentrations and are not tolerant to high available metal concentrations in the soil. Listed in the RHS Plant Finder.

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This plant is listed in the RHS Plant Finder book. At present our information about this plant. This species has been widely grown as a turf grass in the cooler parts of Australia and is now a major weed of disturbed sites and pasture in this part of the country.

This species is told from other Skye Bents by the very short ligule, about mm long (check several), which is often cut off very straight and does not have a torn appearance. An upright fine-textured perennial turfgrass that has a mid-green to grey green leaf blade. Browntop bentgrass can tolerate a range of cutting heights to suit a golf or bowling green e. Remember running barefoot on the garden lawn as a child?

It grows in nutrient poor lawns, acid grassland pastures, sandy soils and in heather moorland. Colonial bent grows in moist grasslands and open meadows, and can also be found in agricultural areas, roadsides, and invading.

Manual of the grasses of the United States. Common Name(s) browntop. Agrostis thumbnails at the Plants Gallery Hitchcock, A. It has a tiny seed and only needs including in mixtures at low levels.

It is a creeping grass an although it has little agricultural value, it is a very common species in old grasslands. It is useful for luxury lawns which will be frequently mowed. It has flat, lanceolate, green leaves and purple-brown or green, hermaphrodite flowers.

The flowering and fruiting take place from May to June. You can change the display of the base map and layers by clicking on the layer control box in the upper right-hand corner. This delicately flowered grass has been included in the majority of agri-environmental schemes. NBN Atlas for this species. Some of our specimens seem to have ligules a little long for this species, in which they are normally about mm.

Ordinarily, small specimens of A. These cultivars have good summer colour. Able to colonise in thin areas and therefore help to suppress weed invasion. Information, resources, and updates for the Ag Sciences community. Conservation status: naturalised Flowering time: Nov. Naše travní osivo najde uplatnění všude tam, kde toužíte mít krásný a svěží travnatý porost s vynikající odolností i snadnou údržbou.

It is found over the whole of the British isles, from sea level to mountain tops (Ben Lawers, 2m).

AGROSTIS CAPILLARIS , or colonial bentgrass, is adapted for moise or moderately wet sites and works great as a turfgrass. Learn more on our website! A widespread perennial grass found to some extent in nearly all older pastures in New Zealand.

A low fertility tolerant, Cgrass that is common in hill country pastures but is also used in lawn mixtures. North America during colonial times as a hay and pasture grass. It spreads by rhizomes and has reddish flowers.

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