středa 3. srpna 2016


This subfamily is mainly native in South America, except for Adenocaulon, Chaptalia, Gerbera, Trichocline, which have species in all continents other than Europe and Antarctica. The majority of the Mutisieae s. China consists of Ainsliaea, Myripnois, and Pertya, and these genera form a distinct clade (recently recognized as the tribe Pertyeae) nested above the Cardueae and the African Mutisieae. Phylogeny of the African Mutisieae sl (Asteraceae) based on ndhF and trnL-F sequences (cpDNA). Full text PDF from ResearchGate Reference page.

This page is a collection of images that are attached to a branch of the Tree of Life.

For a more detailed explanation of the different ToL page types, have a look at the Structure of the Tree of Life page. Mutisieae as traditionally circumscribed is now considered to be polyphyletic. Asiatic genus of Mutisieae Cass. Forty-nine species and varieties are recognized. Twenty-six species are endemic to China, four to Japan, four to Indo-China, two to the Himalayas, and one to Taiwan.

Mutisia is a genus of flowering plant in the mutisia tribe within the sunflower family. It comprises about sixty species which can be found along the entire length of the Andes and in southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and northern Argentina. Mutisieae ) Leibnitzia anandria ( Mutisieae ) Onoseris alata (Onoserideae) Acourtia runcinata (Nassauvieae) Perezia recurvata (Nassauvieae) Trixis californica (Nassauvieae) Fordítás. Ez a szócikk részben vagy egészben a Mutisioideae című angol p.

The Biodiversity Heritage Library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community. Key to the genera of the Mutisieae. All capitula ligulate, or rarely with mixtures of ligulate and bilabiate florets in one capitulum as well as ligulate capitula on one plant. Hyaloseris : Capitula containing actinomorphic, bilabiate, or pseudoligula. Mutisieae : Taxonomy navigation › Mutisioideae All lower taxonomy nodes (186) Common name i-Synonym i-Other names i › Mutisieae Cass.

The Afro-Madagascan genus Brachylaena is describe and a key to the eleven species is given. Five species are endemic to Madagascar. Six occur on the African mainlan with only B. A polymorphous paraphyletic group of about South American species within the Mutisieae are characterized by having foliaceous outer involucral bracts and winged inner bracts.

The Mutisieae (Asteraceae) are a diverse basal lineage. This publication presents the of the systematic and taxonomic study of these taxa. Tree of Life Mutisieae Cass. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 3. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse.

Typifications in the genus Trichocline (Asteraceae: Mutisieae ) - CORE This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The inversion thus defines an ancient evolutionary split within the family and suggests that the Barnadesiinae represents the most primitive lineage in the Asteraceae. These also indicate that the tribe Mutisieae is not monophyletic, since any common ancestor to its four subtribes is also shared by other tribes in the family. The polymorphic African species D.

Dicoma ( Mutisieae , Asteraceae) are proposed: Dicoma anomala subsp. The tribe Mutisieae (excluding Barnadesieae) traditionally comprises genera and approximately 9species in three subtribes: Gochnatiinae, Mutisiinae, and Nassauviinae. We examined whole and fractured pollen grains of genera from these subtribes by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM).

Systematic Revision and Phylogeny of Ainsliaea DC.

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